10 Years later…
After 10 years of daily web browsing, and a million hours spent in front of a computer screen (literally!); i finally decided to built a website as a vehicle to divulge my ideas, my music and a plethora of other things that i consistently investigate and ruminate about. It’s just a normal human behavior and necessity just like any other, and we can resume it in one simple word: communication.
Its that simple, and its that complex at the same time. And why is that?, may you ask. Well, because communication is one of the most important parts of being a human; but it is one of the most misunderstood, manipulated and misinterpreted activity since the early dawns of mankind.
Communication is not “literal” in a sense that the words (vehicle) of the individual who uses them might be completely understood by the receptor and very often are not. And they are misinterpreted because it´s at the same time a intellectual activity; but also a emotional one. And emotions are not logical. So communication is ruled by two opposite principles; we are faced with a dualitty; and a duallity projects itself as ambiguity .
Thousand of books, texts, essays, movies, songs, were written about this subject, and many more will and are being written about it in this precise moment, because that is really what this is all about: communication!.
We are like sponges that absorb everything that might caught our attention but there is a paradox attached to it: we also absorb lots of information about the things that we don’t like; maybe as a subconscious attempt to balance and validate the things that we like. So we are formed by the things we cherish and love in the first place; and for things we don´t like in second.
And it is exactly the interception between these two points that keep evolving and are in permanent mutation that intrigues me the most.
From my experience, a successful creative process (applied to music) is the one o doesn’t question or try to shape beforehand these two specific points, but instead gladly accepts the outcome that is possible at that specific period in time. But this is viewed as a wrong practice, because people in general “think” by applying “tags” or “labels” to their language and thoughts , and therefore have great dificulty in dealling with mixtures of things that apparently are not related to one another.
So these “tags” are purelly simbolic and represent ideas, situations, points of view and opinions, abstract notions, and physical things to; nevertheless they are simply that: representations; and people in general are unable to “think” outside this representative forms, or to use them as the basis for all kinds of extrapolations outside the realm of trivial human behaviour. But there is another way of view this things; well at least for me!.
I think that everything is connected, and for me the biggest mistake of all is to separate them, or trying to separate them. You don’t; and you shouldn´t for the sake of your own integrity. Music is for me one of the most mesterious “criations” of the human race. It´s like a parallel dimension that exists in simultaneous with our universe, were millions of notes exist at the same time.
Imagine it like this: the instruments are the doors, and we are the keys to open it; and then they begin to enter our universe. But music in the present is more than ever labeled and perceived as a product; and people are unable to visualize the existence of music outside a “veicule” or a frameork like the media for example (tv, radio, press).
For the majority of people this is the only realm were the existence of these things are possible, and if it isn´t there, pure and simply doesn´t exist (for them!); or it means that in one way or another it isn´t there because it lacks quality and this is generally the most common way of seeing it .
There is a very interesting experience about this that was conducted by the Washington Post that proves exactly my point: “Pearls Before Breakfast by Gene Weingarten“.
Well but here we are, at the beginning of a new beginning…again..and again…
Vitor Sérgio
says:What a nice surprise.
I’ll be attentive to your communications!
A Big Hug,